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Importance of Airway

For a perfect airway, there has to be mutual interaction between the pharyngeal structures and the skeletal system of the mouth.
The pharyngeal airway is one of the important structures in conjugation with the surroundings, and is responsible for the physiological processes of swallowing, vocalisation, and respiration.
Any fault in this pharyngeal airway can lead to mouth breathing, which can alter the facial form and is considered to be a predisposing factor for the development of long face syndrome or adenoid facies.

Characteristics of Mouth Breathing

1. Increased lower facial heights

2. Retrognathic mandible

3. Proclined maxillary incisors

4. High V-shaped palatal vault

5. Maxillary constriction

6. Short upper lip


Early orthodontic treatment is not just to make a great smile by correcting crooked teeth, but might even be considered a secondary benefit for the correction of bad habits.

1. Speech Problems

Speech problems arise when there is not enough room for the tongue. This can be treated by an oral appliance which can expand the arch, giving more space to the tongue, which in turn can improve speech problems.

2. Mouth Breathing (Snoring)

If your child breathes through the mouth only, then they are not breathing properly. This can lead to a lack of oxygen, poor sleep, snoring and other complications. This can be treated orthodontically by giving oral appliances to improve nasal breathing, which can eliminate snoring and give the child a more restful sleep.

3. Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is another bad habit that can lead to headaches or even a painful disorder called TMD (temporo-mandibular disorder). Early orthodontic treatment can stop the teeth-grinding habit.

4. Thumb Sucking

The habit of thumb sucking can also lead to bad breath. This can be treated by an oral appliance, which can make room for permanent teeth and also help to stop thumb sucking.

5. Tongue Thrust

A tongue thrust occurs when the child’s tongue protrudes from the mouth while swallowing, talking, or at rest. This habit can lead to unnecessary pressure on the teeth, which leads to malalignment. This can be treated with functional appliances.

6. Headaches and earaches

A very deep bite can cause ear pain, and a very deep bite can lead to overworking muscles, causing headaches. Early orthodontic treatment can help to relieve this pain.